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STUDIO VON JETZT is celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2025.
Ein friedliches & gesegnetes Jahr 2025 a peaceful & blessed year.
STUDIO VON JETZT Design that makes sense. Photography. Since 2005
Oliver Fischer, Dipl. Gestalter/Bildjournalist/Kunsthandwerker mit seinen Freunden, Partnern & Förderwerkstätten bieten visuelles, sinnvolles und funktionales Design höchster Qualität.
Fotografie, Fotobearbeitung - wir halten für Sie besondere Momente für die Ewigkeit fest und liefern Geschichten aus dem wahren Leben.
Wir sind Ihr Partner für visuelles Storytelling, für Ihre Markenentwicklung.
STUDIO VON JETZT stands for photography of the highest quality, is committed to peace, justice and democracy.
We capture your special moments, for eternity.
We are your partner in visual storytelling, for your brand development.
Oliver, born in Dinkelsbühl, Germany working as a freelance photographer, visual journalist (bdfj) in Copenhagen, Stuttgart, Zurich and worldwide since 2005.
A photographer, designer and craftsman with an eye for the details and a sixth sense for the special atmosphere of your event.
His photographic work is focused on contemporary landscape as art, reportage, the documentation of people, their living spaces and urbanism.
The whole world is changing, including the communication of values and information.
He don’t want to repeat, photography for him is a great passion and elixir of life.
The images are authentic and clean.
With a background in mechanical engineering, organ building, graduates from the technical college in Stuttgart.
He holds a diploma in design after studies in Aachen, starts his own business, since then freelance designer in the fields of photography, journalism, design and art.
His work infuses tradition with refreshing energy and joy.
With some of the photos I would like to try to raise awareness for the protection of nature and for the preservation of the planet and all its inhabitants.
Zeitgeist, public appearances, portraits, home-stories, politics, public life, street scenes, trends, everyday life, social problems, locations, gastronomy, trade, traffic, digitalization, crises,
photo reportage, city views, buildings, street scenes, travel reports, country & people, landscapes, details, exciting perspectives, creative ideas, decorative images and a lot more . . .
Alle gezeigten Arbeiten & Fotos sind urheberrechtlich geschützt und dürfen ohne schriftliche Genehmigung des Fotografen in keiner Weise zur weiteren Verwendung vervielfältigt werden.
Eine solche Verwendung ist ausdrücklich untersagt und kann zu Schadensersatzansprüchen sowie zu Strafschadensersatzforderungen führen.
All work & photos shown is protected by copyright law and may not be reproduced in any way for further use without written permission from the photographer.
Any such use is explicitly prohibited and may result in claims for indemnities as well as claims for punitive damages.
minimalist, meaningful and functional product design of the highest quality,
to enable our customers to enjoy the best use of products with meaning.
Our aim is, to call for more personal and social responsibility
on the part of each individual.
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